Saakshar Bharat Mission

      Twenty years ago, Shri Rajiv Gandhi initiated the National Literacy Mission to import functional literacy to the non Literate adults of India.The outcome of the mission has been that the literacy levels have improved by over 20% but the gap between male and female literacy still continues however at around 20% .This has slowed the pace of women's empowerment and social development. With the learning derived from the National Literacy Missssion, Saakshar Bharat Mission was formulated.

      The Saakshar Bharat Mission was formally launched by Prime Minister, Dr. Monmohan Singh on 8th September,2009, the International Literacy Day.

Total Nos. of District Co-Ordinators = 4
Total Nos. of Block Co-Ordinators = 11
Total Nos. of Preraks = 258

      Total Nos. of Non Literate Persons age 15+ = 328547 ( Apx)

      Total nos. of staff in Saakshar Bharat Mission Cell ,Barpeta

(i) Project Officer ( 1 Nos.)
(ii) Office assistant ( 1 Nos.)
(iii) District Co-Ordinators ( 4 Nos.)
(iv) Office Peon. ( 1 Nos)

7 Nos.

Email-ID of SBM cell Barpeta :